Riu Palace Maldives

Duration: 4nights /5days

Price: From AED 6999 per person

Country: Maldives

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PHONE: +971 4 4206965


Riu Palace Maldivas- All Inclusive, located in Dhaalu Atoll, offers a restaurant, outdoor swimming pool, fitness center, and bar. This 5-star resort provides each guest with breathtaking sea views, alongside access to its exclusive garden and private beach area. The resort ensures round-the-clock front desk service, airport shuttle, room service, and complimentary WiFi.

Accommodations at Riu Palace Maldivas come with air conditioning, equipped with amenities such as a desk, an electric kettle, minibar, safe, flat-screen TV, and a private bathroom with a shower. Each room also provides guests with fresh bed linen and towels.


You will spend 4 nights at Riu Palace Maldives, enjoying the benefits of an All-Inclusive meal plan.


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Return flights with Emirates Airline
Return Domestic  Flights
4 nights stay at a Junior  Suite
All Inclusive Meal Plan
All Taxes   



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